About Me

Hometown: Liverpool, NY

Age: 43

Family: Margaret (wife), Ciara (dog), Max & Titus (horses)

Angling Heroes: Mike Iaconelli, KVD, Edwin Evers and most of all, my Father

Non-Angling Hero: My Father, he worked 2 jobs, 7 days a week for over 30 years to provide for my sick mother and us kids and he NEVER missed one of my baseball practices or games all up to college. He taught me what love for your family means and what being a man really means. He is my hero. I hope someday he will be as proud of me as I am of being his son.

Favorite Lake: Black Lake, NY

Least Favorite Lake: None so far

Favorite Technique: Topwater

Fishing Strength: Working plastics like a Snag Proof Frog in heavy vegetation and flipping

Fishing Weakness: Crank bait fishing

Boat: Nitro 929

Motor: Mercury

Vehicle: Yucon XLT

Favorite Food: Steak & Salad

Favorite Music: Love it ALL

Favorite Movie: Rocky

Sponsors Snag Proof Parasite Nitro Bass Pro Shops Soft Origins